Venelin Shurélov
Venelin Shurélov
Venelin Shurélov (1977, Bulgaria)

Ass. Prof. PhD Venelin Shurélov - Graduated "Scenography" at the National Art Academy, Bulgaria - PhD (2009). Co-founder and professor at the MA program "Digital Arts" National Academy of Arts; co-founder, part of curatorial team and technical organizer of DA Fest - International Digital Art Festival (2009-). Founder of "Subhuman Theatre" (2004-) and art group "Via Pontica" (2002-2005). 
Venelin Shurelov is the author of various interactive installations and performances, some of which are "Drawing Machine" (2005), "Fantomat" (2008), "Orthoman" (2009) "Tabula Rasa" (2010), "Shooting Gallery" (2012 ), "Rotor" (2016) - presented at Ars Electronica Center, Linz. In 2011 he realized the cyber lecture "Man Ex Machina", and in 2016 he direct a durational performance installation "Post-Everything", as a guest lecturer at Towson University, USA.
His projects are multifaceted and include paintings, interactive installations and performance, digital technologies, video and art theory. He has a number of stage design projects, individual and group exhibitions and participations in numerous festivals in Bulgaria, Europe and the United States. Awarded many times for his work in theater and contemporary art. 
Lives and works in Sofia.
