Yoann Trellu
Yoann Trellu has been trained as X-ray manipulator and studied at the Science University Nantes (France) be- fore launching a career as media artist. He has worked as video designer / creator for many cho- reographers and dance companies in France, Germany, USA and Japan, including Akira Matsui, Mayumi Fukuzaki, Howard Katz, Ten Pen Chi, Jenny Haack, Yui Kawaguchi, Stephanie Maher. Collaborations with musicians include Felix Zapf, Matthias Hermann, Mangrove Kipling to name a few.His video works have been exhibitied at “Rencontres Internationales, FIPA”, Biarritz, France (2007), ”Virtual links” Berlin (2006) -”Ou suis-je ?” Nantes (2005). Two videos by Trellu have been broadcasted on Tele Nantes and GIE Grand Ouest Television in France (2005).Yoann Trellu has created DVDs and CDROMs for / with artists and art institutions, e.g. Elizabeth Williams, Ponde- rosa International Dance Festival Stolzenhagen, Germany, Kelly Kane School, New York, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Massachusetts, WACfest festi- val. Macau, China. (wacfest. org) and Frac des Payds de la Loire », Nantes, France. (fracdespaysdelaloire.com). Since 2008 he has been working frequently with post theater, on performance-projects including „Napoleon D.“, „Fight Club: A Chorus“ and „Express Fight Club“, „Schnittstelle Figaro“, „Space Monkeys“, “Jobs in Heaven”.
www. keyframed.org